Have your credit card ready! Once you submit the registration form you will be be taken to to pay your entry fee. Payment methods include Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. If you don't pay at that time you will have to start the form all over again. The form contains many "required responses" and we need lots of information from you so be prepared with:
- Documentation or state registration number
- Sat phone number, InReach address, or other comm device info
- MMSI number - if applicable
- Address of owner and address to send entry packet and burgee. This will be sent USPS in July or two weeks after you register
- Email address that will be monitored in September and October "Boat email"
- Names, ages, occupation, and dates of former Ha-Ha's of your crew
- And most important some bio information for the Meet the Fleet roster
If you do not know some important information at this time go ahead and sign up. Email any changes or additions to after you register.
You are not going to want to start over!
Problems with the form? Email