Baja Ha-Ha XXX 2024 Cruisers Rally

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Baja Ha-Ha XXXI

2025 Important Dates

May 9, Noon Friday — Entries open for the 2024 Baja Ha-Ha. Remember that the few coveted slips in Marina Cabo San Lucas are primarily assigned according to the date and time you sign-up.

September 3, 5 pm Wednesday — Deadline for all entries and information to be received by the Baja Ha-Ha Rally Committee including all bios, photos, and payment.

Early September 6 to 9 pm Wednesday — Latitude 38 Fall Crew List Party and Baja Ha-Ha Reunion starting off with a Mexico Cruising Seminar. The seminar starts at 4:30 and the Crew Party starts at 6 with a no-host wine and beer bar, door prizes, and free snacks. Mexico cruising experts will be on hand. $10 cash or $5 for 25 and under. Seminar and Crew Party are free for paid 2025 Baja Ha-Ha skippers and first mates. The location will be at the Spaulding Marine Center, Sausalito.

Late October — Downwind Marine Welcome Cruisers Party and Vendor Fair with wholesale discount pricing all day at Downwind Marine

Late October — Evening Cruising Seminars at Downwind Marine in San Diego. The schedule of the informative sessions can be found here.

November 2, 8:30 - 9:15 am Sunday – Mandatory Skipper check-in at Rally Headquarters outside West Marine. Online Skipper and Crew Waivers will be confirmed and communication device set up will be verified. If everything checks out you will receive your tickets for your bag of swag and your 2 tickets to the Kick-Off Party dinner & drinks. Additional tickets for the Kick-Off Party dinner & drinks will be available at $12 each. Last-minute crew changes will be accepted.

November 2, 9:30 - 11 am Sunday — Mandatory Skippers' Meeting in the West Marine parking lot. Rally Instructions will be handed out and questions answered. The Skipper or representative only, please.

November 2, 1 - 4 pm Sunday — The Annual Ha-Ha Kick-Off Costume Party and BBQ in the West Marine parking lot. Co-hosted by West Marine. Come in costume! Skipper and first mate pick up their swag bag with t-shirts, hat, tote bag, and other souvenirs, as well as a free BBQ dinner & drinks. Dinner and beverage tickets for additional crew are $12. each. T-shirts and souvenirs will be for sale.

November 3, 10 am Monday — Baja Ha-Ha Kick-Off Parade:

  • 9 am - 9:30 am – South Bay boats pass San Diego to Harbor Island.
  • 9:45 am – All boats gather off America's Cup Harbor between Harbor Island and Shelter Island.
  • 10 am – Start boat launches the Baja Ha-Ha with a parade off the southwest corner of Shelter Island.

View a diagram of the parade route here

November 3, 11 am Monday — Start of Leg One for all boats off Coronado Roads.

November 6, 2 pm-ish Thursday — The epic, world-famous, Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers and Mexicans bazeball game at Turtle Bay. Evening: Restaurant hopping, such as it is, in Turtle Bay.

November 7, Noon-ish Friday — Famous Turtle Bay Beach Picnic until sundown. Bring chairs, beach gear, toys, and anything else you need. Hot dogs will be sold for charity. Beer and maybe other food for sale by locals. Take a panga or your dinghy but be careful landing – you don't want to be dumped & have your outboard chop you up!

November 8, 9 am Saturday – Start of Leg Two to Bahia Santa Maria.

November 10, Monday — 'Bahia Santa Maria Day' – a lazy lay-day meant for relaxing and exploring the bay.

November 11, Tuesday — Hiking, beach walking, sports, and the annual Rock ‘n’ Roll Beach Party, sponsored by the local fisherfolk. A surreal scene set on a bluff overlooking the bay with food and beer for sale by locals. Subject to surf conditions.

November 12, 7 am Wednesday — Start of Leg Three from Bahia Santa Maria to Cabo San Lucas.

November 13, 7:30 pm Thursday — 'Can't Believe We Cheated Death Again' dance and party madness for the young at heart at Squid Roe until the last body falls. Optional.

November 14, Noon Friday — Cabo Beach Party at the Upper Patio at Mango Deck featuring the world-famous "From Here to Eternity Kissing Contest".

November 15, 6 pm Saturday — Awards Presentations hosted by Marina Cabo San Lucas adjacent to the fabulous launch ramp in Cabo. Free soft drinks and beer.

November 23, 4 - 7 pm Sunday — La Paz Beach Party at La Costa Restaurant. Mexican folk dancing, live music, food and drinks, door prizes, and more. Free for the first 50 Baja Ha-Ha 2025 participants; everyone is welcome.

(Events are subject to change, as a BBQ on the beach in Mag Bay may replace the award’s party in Cabo.)

Baja Ha-Ha, LLC
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© 2025 Baja Ha-Ha, LLC