Sign-ups for Baja Ha-Ha XXXI will start in about six weeks, so a lot of folks who will be heading south this fall are wondering whether to join in or not. What are some advantages?
— Only Ha-Ha participants are eligible to check into Mexico at Bahia Santa Maria, with all the paperwork done in advance. In addition to saving a lot of time, it's also a big money-saver. The only other place to check into Mexico on the way down Baja is Ensenada, which doesn't have an anchorage, so you either have to get a berth at Marina Coral or CruisePort Marina. You'll need two days, which at Marina Coral, which is a really great place, would cost $300 for a 45-footer. That alone would account for 60% of the $499 Ha-Ha entry fee.
— Ha-Ha skippers and First-Mates get a fleet guide with boat bios of all the entries, a Swag Bag filled with two Ha-Ha t-shirts, hats, sunglasses and other stuff, and a free lunch at the Last Cheeseburger Party in San Diego.
— There are at least seven social events where it's easy to become friends with hundreds of new-to-you cruisers. These include the Last Cheeseburger in Paradise Costume Kick-Off Party in San Diego; the world-infamous Cruisers versus Kids Bazeball game in Turtle Bay; the Turtle Bay Beach Party; the live rock 'n roll band party on the bluff at Bahia Santa Maria; the Cheated Death dance party at Squid Roe in Cabo; the Beach Party overlooking the fleet in Cabo; and the Awards Party in the parking lot of the marina at Cabo San Lucas. (Events are subject to change, as a BBQ on the beach in Mag Bay may replace the swards party in Cabo.)
— The Ha-Ha is where friendships are made for the season in Mexico, for across the Pacific, and even for life. And yes, some folks who met on the Ha-Ha have gotten married. We're told that some children have been conceived during the event.
— It's really fun sailing offshore in the company of other boats. For most, if not all, of the Ha-Ha, boats will have at least one or other boat in sight. Unlike most sailing events, there are two 'motherships' that sail with the fleet.
— Daily electronic roll call and, if necessary, weather warnings. (In the last 30 years, there have only been four weather warnings.)
— The potential for assistance on the way to Cabo. Within every Ha-Ha fleet, there has not only been a tremendous wealth of knowledge, but also an incredible collection of skills and parts. So if you need help with your diesel, Starlink, watermaker, genset, InReach or such, there is more than likely someone in the fleet with knowledge and often spare parts eager to help. Each year a couple of dozen boats receive some kind of assistance or the other.
— Free sail repair from Chuck Skewes, owner of Ullman Sails of San Diego. He sets up a 'sail loft' on the tramp of Profligate, the event's mothership. One windy year, he repaired 39 sails.
— Kid's love the Ha-Ha. Stopping every couple of days gives them the chance to get off the boat and explore entirely new worlds. In addition, there are usually 15 to 20 'kids' under the age of 16 on a Ha-Ha. And parents know the biggest key to family cruising is having other 'kid boats' around. And don't forget the Kids Diving Olympics off the back of Profligate in Bahia Santa Maria.
— The Ha-Ha knows Baja. Between the Poobah, Assistant Poobah, and Dona de Mallorca, the Ha-Ha leadership has done the length of the Baja Peninsula over 100 times. Each year Patsy Verhoeven, the Assistant Poobah, answers more than 10,000 emails from people who have Ha-Ha and Mexico questions. Patsy knows her stuff!
There are six other reasons to do the Ha-Ha, but I forgot them.
The Baja Ha-Ha is open to boats that were designed, built, maintained, and equipped for open ocean sailing. There must be at least two crew, at least one of whom has overnight experience. Over 3,000 boats and 14,000 sailors have done the Ha-Ha.
Registration opens on May 9. The fleet departs San Diego on November 3.
As the Poobah I've done 29 Ha-Ha's and sincerely hope you will join me for my 30th and almost certainly my last. I think you'll have the time of your life.

With mostly light to moderate winds from the north and northwest, the Ha-Ha often offers
the best in pleasure sailing. Kalewa, the 50-ft cat in the foreground, has done five Ha-Ha's. Her former owner has a new ultra cat being completed in Australia and vows to sail her across the Pacific just to make another Ha-Ha.
The cat with the yellow chute is the catamaran Profligate, the event's mothership for 28 years.

The baseball field is the pride and joy of dusty Turtle Bay.
The Ha-Ha fleet is in the background. The anchorage could hold 1,000 boats.
The two main Harken winches on Profligate were found to be missing critical parts during
the first leg of the Ha-Ha. So fellow Ha-Ha'er Brian Downing fabricated new ones with
his 3D printer! We're still using those parts today.

The waters off Baja are not only beautiful, especially when enjoying the grotto effect,
but they are teeming with fish. Last year Ha-Ha boats were landing huge tuna,
from 75 to 100+ pounds.

The anchorage at spectacular Bahia Santa Maria. It could also hold 1,000 boats.
You want surreal? We'll give you surreal. A fabulous rock 'n roll band travels 12 hours from La Paz to play for tips at the Ha-Ha beach party. They are great.
The Ha-Ha tends to stick with you. That's Jimmy Drake wearing his
souvenir Ha-Ha t-shirt from the first Ha-Ha in 1994.