Baja Ha-Ha XXX 2024 Cruisers Rally

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Baja Ha-Ha XXX


After posting that 71 boats have already become paid entries for the 30th Baja Ha-Ha in November, a few vets chimed in with unsolicited comments:

Lisa Novak: "We did the Ha-Ha in 2007, and it was the best decision of our lives! Well, besides getting married and buying a Han Christian. Live your dreams before you are too old, sick or dead!"

Andy Kurtz: "I haven't signed up yet, but like last year I'll be there again with my Columbia 57 Angelique. I'll sign up when I get to Hawaii in a few days."

Ben Erwin: "We came down in last year's Ha-Ha on Noctiluca and we're still here in Banderas Bay! We made some incredible friends, and have had incredible adventures since that time. And we're just getting started. We're very much looking forward to meeting the new group of cruisers and friends as they begin their own journeys south!"

Kent Sisk: "Did it in 2007. Loved it."

If you're not sure if you should do the Ha-Ha or not, it's good to ask around. It's best to ask folks who have actually done one, as those who haven't don't have any idea what they're talking about because the Ha-Ha is unlike any other sailing event.

For one thing, the Ha-Ha has an unusually flexible vibe. The primary goals are the safety of the participants and providing the opportunity for adventure.

A couple hours late to the starts? No problem. Want to go by way of Guadeloupe Island or throw in a stop at Cedros? Be our guest. Not interested in some of the eight major social events? It's your choice. Want to run the bases backwards at the Cruisers & Local Kids Bazeball Game in Turtle Bay? That would be pretty funny.

Be safe, have fun, and make dozens of new sailing friends while having the opportunity for an adventure you'll remember the rest of your life, that's what the Ha-Ha is all about.

If you're a Ha-Ha vet and want to chime in, be our guest. If you're a vet of Ha-Ha XXV, see if you can recognize yourself in some of the great photographs taken by the one and only Fin Beven.

Click left for the Notice of Rally and to sign up. Ha-Ha 30 starts on November 4.

Like to dress up as your alter ego?
The Last Cheeseburger in Paradise Kickoff Costume Party is the place to indulge.

The Ha-Ha welcomes everyone, even straight white males.
The starting parade in San Diego usually makes the front page of the newspaper and was once featured on CNN.

Once you're underway, it's time to relax.
After 360 miles, it's great to be able to stop at the superb anchorage of Turtle Bay, get some sleep, and start making more friends.

Turtle Bay has always rolled out the welcome mat for the Ha-Ha.

With the Poobah's rules, women & children are always 'safe'.
Hey batta, batta, batta . . .

Beach Party at Turtle Bay.
Fin Beven took great photos of Ha-Ha XXV participants at the Beach Party

Lots of them.
Lots and lots of them.

The Gender Tug 'O War battle. Women have won 16 years in a row.

Profligate gets rolled by a smaller cat in really light air.
The Ha-Ha is not just about sailing. You can paddleboard, kayak, explore the mangroves, surf, body surf, climb . . .
the list goes on.

Kids love the Ha-Ha, too.
Live rock 'n roll, one day at year at surreal Bahia Santa Maria.

Taxi service at Bahia Santa Maria.
The early morning start of the
176-mile last leg to Cabo.

You get all kinds of boats in the Ha-Ha. Sloops, ketches, cats, white-sails-only . . .
"We made it honey!"

Mildly wild and crazy times at Squid Roe
Kids love the Ha-Ha, too.

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