Profligate under spinnakerThe Baja Ha-Ha is the annual 750-mile cruisers' rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, with R&R stops at Turtle Bay and Bahia Santa Maria. Over 10,000 sailors on more than 2,500 boats have done it, and over 130 boats and 500 sailors are expected this year.
I have been the Grand Poobah of the event for its entire 25 year history, and my 63-ft catamaran Profligate has been the mothership for the last 23 years.
For the first time in years there are a few openings on Profligate, including one double cabin and a single berth. This is a shared expense situation, and as the 63-ft Profligate is a big cat, the expenses are proportional. But it's less expensive, for example, than getting a bunk on most smaller charter cats in the Caribbean. At the end of the 360-mile first leg, the fleet stops at fun and
funky Turtle Bay, for both the fabulous 'baseball' game
with the local kids and the beach party
Interested parties can be of any age or sex, and women are particularly welcome. But all applicants need to be in excellent health and have decent social skills and senses of humor.
Although we fly big spinnakers most days and nights, extensive sailing experience is not necessary, as the rest of the crew are collectively veterans of more than 80 Baja Ha-Ha's aboard Profligate. For example, I've done 24, Dona's has done 23, Chris has done 16, and Dino has done 12.
I forgot to mention we'll also have Chuck Skewes and Sabine Suessmann along. Chuck was a key crew on the boat that just finished third overall in the 90-boat TransPac and has been a winner of many major races. He's almost as good a sailor as Sabine. The second stop, 240 miles later, is at pristine Bahia Santa Maria.
We normally sail with between 12 and 14 people, so watches are usually an easy three hours on, six hours off. Nonetheless, all crew are expected to help with the sailing of the boat and to a lesser extent the running of the Ha-Ha. If you're looking for a vacation cruise where somebody waits on you, this is not the situation for you. We're looking for energetic people who enjoy being in the center of action.
The dates are November 1 to November 15. Please do not apply unless you are POSITIVE you are available for those dates, because it causes problems when at the last minute people remember their daughter is getting married that weekend or they don't have any vacation time.
If you are interested, contact Dona de Mallorca Spindler at donademallorca@gmail.com.