The 20th Annual Baja Ha-Ha Rally will be October 27-November 9, 2013.
Free seminars at Strictly Sail Pacific:
Baja Ha-Ha How-to, Friday, 4/12, 3:30
and Saturday, 4/13, 3:30.
Tahiti and Pacific Puddle Jump, Saturday, 4/13, 4:45.
Weekend Fun in Turtle Bay 11/5/12
2012 First Timer's Guide PDF 11/5/12
Ha-Ha'ers at Turtle Bay 11/2/12
Fleet Approaching Turtle Bay 10/31/12
Mexico, Here They Come! 10/29/12
Seasilk Aground at Mag Bay 10/26/12
The Times They Are A-Changin' 10/24/12
Weather Looking Warm and Moony 10/19/12
Good News for the Ha-Ha 10/19/12
Time and Weather 10/15/12
To Go into the Sea or Not? 10/12/12
Mexico Immigration Policy Update 10/10/12
Sometimes You're Just Lucky 10/8/12
Southbound Cruisers Alert 10/5/12
1st Time Cruiser Preparations 10/3/12
Entry Deadline Extended Again! 10/2/12
Norman Heads North into the Sea 9/28/12
Quake Rattles La Paz 9/26/12
Ha-Ha Entry Deadline Extended 9/19/12
Events and Seminars Abound 9/11/12
Mexico-Only Crew List Party 9/5/12
Life-Changing Connections 8/31/12
New Hurricane App 8/13/12
Mystery Tri Beached at Pt. Cono 8/10/12
Poobah to Speak at Cal YC 7/27/12
$2k+Used Engine=Cruising Boat 7/20/12
Rocinante Lost on Baja Coast 7/13/12
Sea Visas Explained 7/11/12
Baja Ha-Ha Fleet Is Typically Diverse 7/2/12
Life Is Interesting in the Boatyard 6/25/12
No Huge Resort at Cabo Pulmo 6/25/12
Food for Thought 6/22/12
More Than Just Great Cruising 6/18/12
Reflections Sinks After Whale Collision 6/15/12
Narco-on-Narco Violence 6/13/12
Clearing Out of Mexico 6/11/12
Hungry for Mexico? 6/8/12
Whales Rescued in La Paz 6/4/12
SoCal Ta-Ta Sign-Up 6/1/12
Bud Was a Dud 5/30/12
Let's Hope This Bud's Not for You 5/25/12
Tragic Cruiser Drowning 5/23/12
The SoCal Ha-Ha Is On! 5/16/12
Narco Violence in La Paz 5/16/12
Baja Ha-Ha Fleet Is Growing 5/14/12
Sponsors List Updated 5/10/12
Where Do You Get Weather Info? 5/4/12
Founded in 1994 by

What is it?
The Baja Ha-Ha is a two-week cruisers rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, which takes place every fall. Dates for the 2012 event will be October 28-November 10.
For answers to frequently asked questions, please see our About the Ha-Ha page.
Please see our sponsors page and support the businesses and organizations that make this event possible!